Exam Prep
Select the category below to learn how to prepare for your next imaging study.
There is no preparation for standard x-ray exams. However, we do recommend wearing loose clothing preferably with no metal. If your clothes require changing for the exam, our office will provide a medical gown or scrub shorts depending on what body part is being examined. If you have any additional questions regarding your exam, please reach out to the staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to assist you.
Please choose the exam you are scheduled for from the following lists. If you have any additional questions regarding your exam, please reach out to the staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to assist you.
If you are scheduled for any of these following exams ONLY, please click the associated link to download the test preparation sheet:
If you are scheduled for any of the following exams ONLY, your test preparation is as follows:
Make sure you are well hydrated with WATER ONLY for your exam
Avoid caffeinated, sugary, and dark colored beverages
MRA Brain With Contrast
MRA Chest With Contrast
MRA Lower Extremities With Contrast
MRA Neck With Contrast
MRA Upper Extremities With Contrast
MRV Brain With Contrast
MRV Lower Extremities With Contrast
MRI Ankle With Contrast
MRI Axilla With Contrast
MRI Brachial Plexus With Contrast
MRI Brain With Contrast
MRI Brain/IAC With Contrast
MRI Brain/Orbits With Contrast
MRI Brain/Pituitary Gland With Contrast
MRI Breast With Contrast
MRI Cervical Spine With Contrast
MRI Chest With Contrast
MRI Clavicle With Contrast
MRI Elbow With Contrast
MRI Face With Contrast
MRI Femur With Contrast
MRI Finger With Contrast
MRI Foot With Contrast
MRI Forearm With Contrast
MRI Hand With Contrast
MRI Hip With Contrast
MRI Humerus With Contrast
MRI Knee With Contrast
MRI Lumbar Spine With Contrast
MRI Orbits With Contrast
MRI SI Joints With Contrast
MRI Scapula With Contrast
MRI Shoulder With Contrast
MRI Soft Tissue Neck With Contrast
MRI Sternoclavicular Joints With Contrast
MRI Sternum With Contrast
MRI TMJ With Contrast
MRI Thoracic Spine With Contrast
MRI Tibia Fibula With Contrast
MRI Toe With Contrast
MRI Wrist With Contrast
If you are scheduled for any of these following exams ONLY, your test does not require any preparation:
MRA Brain Without Contrast
MRA Chest Without Contrast
MRA Lower Extremities Without Contrast
MRA Neck Without Contrast
MRA Upper Extremities Without Contrast
MRV Brain Without Contrast
MRV Lower Extremities Without Contrast
MRI Ankle Without Contrast
MRI Axilla Without Contrast
MRI Brachial Plexus Without Contrast
MRI Brain Without Contrast
MRI Brain/IAC Without Contrast
MRI Brain/Orbits Without Contrast
MRI Brain/Pituitary Gland Without Contrast
MRI Breast Without Contrast
MRI Cervical Spine Without Contrast
MRI Chest Without Contrast
MRI Clavicle Without Contrast
MRI Elbow Without Contrast
MRI Face Without Contrast
MRI Femur Without Contrast
MRI Finger Without Contrast
MRI Foot Without Contrast
MRI Forearm Without Contrast
MRI Hand Without Contrast
MRI Hip Without Contrast
MRI Humerus Without Contrast
MRI Knee Without Contrast
MRI Lumbar Spine Without Contrast
MRI Orbits Without Contrast
MRI SI Joints Without Contrast
MRI Scapula Without Contrast
MRI Shoulder Without Contrast
MRI Soft Tissue Neck Without Contrast
MRI Sternoclavicular Joints Without Contrast
MRI Sternum Without Contrast
MRI TMJ Without Contrast
MRI Thoracic Spine Without Contrast
MRI Tibia Fibula Without Contrast
MRI Toe Without Contrast
MRI Wrist Without Contrast
Please choose the exam you are scheduled for from the following list. If you have any additional questions regarding your exam, please reach out to the staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to assist you.
If you are scheduled for ANY CT Scan with IV Contrast:
Make sure you are well hydrated with WATER ONLY for your exam
Avoid caffeinated, sugary, and dark colored beverages
Do not eat food for 4 hours prior to your exam
CT Abdomen (with OR without IV contrast)
CT Abdomen/Pelvis (with OR without IV contrast)
CT Pelvis (with OR without IV contrast)
If you are scheduled for any of these following exams ONLY, your test does not require any preparation:
CT Ankle Without Contrast
CT Cervical Spine Without Contrast
CT Chest Without Contrast
CT Chest (Low Dose Lung Screening)
CT Clavicle Without Contrast
CT Elbow Without Contrast
CT Facial Bones Without Contrast
CT Femur Without Contrast
CT Foot Without Contrast
CT Forearm Without Contrast
CT Hand Without Contrast
CT Head/Brain Without Contrast
CT Hip Without Contrast
CT Humerus Without Contrast
CT Knee Without Contrast
CT Lower Extremity Without Contrast
CT Lumbar Spine Without Contrast
CT Mandible Without Contrast
CT Mastoids Without Contrast
CT Orbits Without Contrast
CT Patella Without Contrast
CT Shoulder Without Contrast
CT Sinus Without Contrast
CT Soft Tissue Neck Without Contrast
CT Sternum Without Contrast
CT Temporal Bones Without Contrast
CT Thoracic Spine Without Contrast
CT Tibia Fibula Without Contrast
CT Upper Extremity Without Contrast
CT Wrist Without Contrast
Please choose the exam you are scheduled for from the following list. If you have any additional questions regarding your exam, please reach out to the staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to assist you.
Please choose the exam you are scheduled for from the following list. If you have any additional questions regarding your exam, please reach out to the staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to assist you.
ultrasound - abdominal aorta.pdf
ultrasound - abdominal doppler.pdf
ultrasound - hysterosonogram.pdf
ultrasound - pregnancy less than 20 weeks.pdf
ultrasound - pregnancy over 20 weeks.pdf
ultrasound - renal bladder.pdf
ultrasound - renal doppler.pdf
If you are scheduled for any of these following exams ONLY, your test does not require any preparation:
Ultrasound of Axillary Region
Ultrasound of Carotid (Doppler)
Ultrasound of Upper Extremities (Vascular or Non-Vascular)
Ultrasound of Lower Extremities (Vascular or Non-Vascular)
Ultrasound of Kidneys/Renal
Ultrasound of Groin
Ultrasound of Scrotum/Testes
Ultrasound of Thyroid
Ultrasound of Head/Neck>
Ultrasound of Pelvis (Transvaginal ONLY)
Preparation instructions for biopsies change from person to person for many different reasons. For this reason, we request that you call our staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to review the instructions with you.
Please choose the exam you are scheduled for from the following list. If you have any additional questions regarding your exam, please reach out to the staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to assist you.
Please choose the exam you are scheduled for from the following list. If you have any additional questions regarding your exam, please reach out to the staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to assist you.
Please choose the exam you are scheduled for from the following list. If you have any additional questions regarding your exam, please reach out to the staff at Hudson Valley Imaging and we will be happy to assist you.
fluoroscopy - upper GI series
fluoroscopy - upper GI and small bowel series
fluoroscopy - small bowel series
fluoroscopy - esophagram barium swallow